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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Victoria's Secret Looking for New Runway Angel and Marisa Thanks our Veterans

Everyone knows I am kind of obsessed with Victoria's Secret- from their bras, bathing suits and PINK workout clothes to their gorgeous supermodels...*sigh*

Never am I more excited about the VS brand then when this time of year rolls around. That's right ladies, the VS fashion show is just a few weeks away- it airs December 1st at 10/9 central on CBS.

I must admit, last year's fashion show was a huge disappointment. The music was awful (Usher, and some Latin band), and the show just wasn't as fun and upbeat as usual (the models and lingerie were gorgeous though). I am really hoping they step it up this year, which I think is possible since the Black Eyed Peas are performing, and they tend to bring it.

In addition to the improved musical guest selection, VS has decided to spice up their runway show this year by hosting a model search for the next VS angel. They held castings in about 4 major cities, and also accepted video entries. I've been following the auditions on the Victoria's Secret YouTube Channel. I thought a lot of the girls that auditioned were great. I'm not so sure about the "Top 10" (I saw some girls in the auditions that I felt were better VS material) but hey, I'm not a judge for the contest.

What intrigued me is that Alicia Hall is one of the finalists. You may remember her as the winner of NBC's 2005 reality TV show Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Model Search.

Alicia Hall

I'm having a hard time understanding why out of all of the gorgeous girls that entered, they would choose someone who has already appeared on, and won, a major reality show, and has posed in
Sports Illustrated Magazine (the swimsuit issue, of course.)

I think she is a gorgeous girl, but I thought this competition was about finding NEW faces and new talent, not recycling from 2005 reality shows.

I do look forward to seeing who wins, and plan to follow the contest. You can vote for your favorite finalist here and watch their photo shoot videos here (the other girl's videos are in the right side bar.)

What do you think of this contest to find the next VS angel? They did something similar either last year or the year before where the VS PINK team scoured college campuses to find a girl to walk in the VS fashion show. The picked a leggy blonde with medium length hair and a great smile. I always like it when they include a "regular person" in the fashion show.

Oh what I would do to just attend the actual show! I buy so much stuff from them, I feel like a complimentary ticket should magically find its way to my mailbox (Victoria's Secret- if you're listening, please email me for my address!)

Speaking of VS models, one of my faves, Marisa Miller recently appeared in a campagin thanking our veterans, sponsored by Harley Davidson. Check out the video here. I love the pin-up girl hair, outfits and makeup. It is a very different look for her, but she pulls it off flawlessly!

...and just because shes gorgeous, here are some pics of her:

The gorgeous Marisa- how does she get her hair away from her face like that? I can never seem to make mine get that look!

Marisa in a previous Harley ad.

Who are your favorite VS Angel Model Search contestants? Do you like the fact that they are including an aspiring model in the mix, or would you prefer they stick with their regulars? Leave me a comment below!

